07 March 2022

Revisiting Fallout 3

I played through Fallout 3 years ago and it was okay. Not great, but okay. I enjoyed my time with it though, but for some reason in my head I created this attitude towards the game that it was complete poop. Maybe it’s because newer Fallout games have so special place in my heart, maybe I didn’t appreciate this old schoolish FPS/RPG enough. Whatever the reason was, I just felt that I wouldn’t ever return to Capital Wasteland.

Until I did. 

Drugs. Not even once.

Emerging from Vault 101 to face the dangers of Wasteland felt different this time. I decided to skip the main story and just went wandering, which was the best decision I could have made. Exploring and finding new places while escaping dangers was much more interesting than following the main story line which in my taste is pretty bland. And taking a different path led to some interesting adventures, like searching for Nuka-Cola Quantum, making money by selling slaves and hunting Deathclaws for sport for example - my character became a little bit a psycho to be honest, but that was fun. Throwing Tenpenny’s body out of his tower and walking around in his suit without anyone noticing what has happened made me giggle out loud, like so many other silly thing that just happened, thanks to broken game engine and AI that does whatever it wants.

I have still my problems with Fallout 3. It’s showing it’s age at this point, and sprint function is something that it needs, though there is mods for that (which I forgot to download…). Difficulty is varied, as some points are just too easy and the next moment you’re getting your ass kicked by swarm of radscorpions that came out of nowhere. Then again, this keeps exploring interesting as you never know what kind of fight to expect. There are some cool and interesting NPC’s and quests, but too many just start repeating themselves pretty soon, and as the map itself is empty compared to later Fallout games there’s sometimes nothing to do. Don’t get me wrong, I like to get bored in open world games (and that’s a whole different blog post I could write!) but world of Fallout 3 is mostly just boring. It underlines the fact that this is supposed to be a destroyed city though pretty well. Maybe my decision not to fast travel has something to do with this too.

This guy had a lot of problems.

I had few mods installed but nothing too fancy. Mostly quality of life stuff and some cool armors. 

Unfortunately my adventures came to an end thanks to updating my OS to a newer version. After that Fallout just broke and is not launching at all. But that's okay, I got to do mostly everything I wanted and more - and as I had no clear point set where I wanted to stop my playthrough I think this ''forced'' one worked pretty well.  

In general, Fallout 3 felt better second time around. Yes, it’s getting old and outdated and might be a shock to play for younger players but it’s still something that should be experienced, at least to be able to appreciate how far open world games have come. 

Your typical Fallout experience.

Ps. I'm back! Though don't expect too many blog posts in the near future as I'm still wondering what kind of texts I want to write and I just don't have enough  free time right now. I'm playing Dragon Age: Origins, Earthbound and The Legend of Zelda: Oscarina of Time right now, so there might be some blogs about those games coming at some point. Until then, stay safe out there. And play games.

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